You Have the Power to Create a Life You are Passionate About

Meet Jennifer

My name is Jennifer Hodgson and I worked as a Registered Nurse for over 30 years. I am board certified in Holistic Nursing, Clinical Aromatherapy, Acupressure, and EFT. I am also a Reiki master. From my experiences in the healthcare field, as well as my own life experiences, I have developed a strong passion for helping people to stress less and lead happier, healthier lives.

One of the most stressful times of my life was just after my divorce was finalized. I thought I was going to be happy because I was “free” from my marriage. However, that feeling did not last and I realized I was on my own. I had to work, cook, clean, pay bills, and take care of two kids. This was NOT how I had planned my life to be. I was so stressed and was only living through the motions of life. I spent my time surviving, rather than thriving. I knew that if I didn’t make a change soon, I would wind up sick. I tried everything: reading self-help books, joining online workshops, etc. I was spending so much money, yet getting no results. I knew there had to be something out there that would give me the tools I needed to let go of the stress and self-sabotaging behaviors that were keeping me stuck. Finally, I said a prayer and it was answered at a holistic fair, where my life was completely transformed. The information that I learned was so simple, yet so profound. After my transformation began, I knew I needed to share this information with others. I could not keep it to myself. That’s when I developed a program just for you to understand how to:

  1. Greatly decrease stress and feel better fast

  2. Let go of self-sabotaging behavior

  3. Turn problems into opportunities

  4. Learn lessons so you can stop re-living the past

  5. Manage pain and chronic symptoms

You Have the Potential

Decrease Your Stress

We need stress to grow and evolve, but stress has a limit. Learn to keep your stress levels at a manageable level.

Build Your Confidence

You can do anything you put your mind to. Learn simple tools to pursue your goals and make your confidence soar.

Create New Habits

Let go of what no longer serves you. Learn to develop new habits that prevent you from living in the past, and create a bright future.